Useful Japanese calligraphy terminology, technical terms, and calligraphy related idiomatic phrases
Note: All kanji (Japanese characters) are linked individually to an online dictionary
Hiragana syllabograms are linked individually to my articles that explain the origins of each hiragana syllabogram. |
ategami / 当て紙 / あてがみ / paper cuts used for absorbing any access of ink during of after writing calligraphy.
bokujū / 墨汁 / ぼくじゅう / chemically enhanced ready-made ink fluid (not recommended for serious studies)
bunchin / 文鎮 / ぶんちん / paperweight used for calligraphy studies
chikarazuyoi / 力強い / ちからづよい / powerful (in regards to powerful work or powerful lines / brush strokes)
datsuji / 脱字 / だつじ / an omitted character or word (by mistake during writing)
daiten / 大篆 / だいてん / great seal script (read more)
fūchin / 風鎮 / ふうちん / decorative weight for hanging scrolls, preventing them from being lifted by a draft
fude / 筆 / ふで / calligraphy brush
fudeoki / 筆置き / ふでおき / brush rest used for placing an ink-leaded brush during studies
fude maki / 筆巻き / ふでまき / a bamboo mat for storing calligraphy brushes
fude wo nekasu / 筆を寝かす / ふでをねかす / to put a brush to sleep, i.e. to let the brush rest for a few days to recuperate
gaku / 額 / がく / framed work (as in work that is mounted in a frame)
gyōsho / 行書 / ぎょうしょ / semi-cursive script, also know as walking script (read more)
gyakuhitsu / 逆筆 / ぎゃくひつ / lit. reverse brush, a brush technique used mainly in clerical and seal scripts (read more)
hansetsu / 半切 / はんせつ / paper for calligraphy studies (used mostly for creating calligraphy art), size c. 35c x c. 135cm
hanshi / 半紙 / はんし / paper for calligraphy studies (used mostly for practicing), size c. 25cm x c. 35cm
hanko / 判子 / はんこ / general term for seals used on calligraphy works together with, or instead of a signature
hairin / 背臨 / はいりん / copying a calligraphy masterpiece from memory (hairin is a next step from rinsho)
ichiji, san rai / 一字三礼 / いちじさんらい / phrase reffering to a respectful copying of sutra (lit. one character, three bows)
in / 印 / いん / calligraphy seal (see also: hanko)
indei / 印泥 / いんでい / red ink paste used for pressing calligraphy seals (see: hanko)
itachike (no) fude / 鼬毛筆 / いたちけ(の)ふで / hard and responsive brush made of weasel hair
jōfuku / 条幅 / じょうふく / a type of hanging scroll fitting the size of hansetsu paper (c.35cm x c. 135cm)
kaisho / 楷書 / かいしょ / standard script, also known as regular or correct script (read more)
kakejiku / 掛け軸 / かけじく / hanging scroll with calligraphy, ink painting (see: sumi-e), or both
kakijun / 書き順 / かきじゅん / stroke order of writing Chinese characters (read more)
karayōshodō / 唐様書道 / からようしょどう / Chinese style calligraphy (read more)
kakikata / 書き方 / かきかた / way of writing something (ex. way of writing a given Japanese kanji with calligraphy brush)
kakizome / 書初め / かきぞめ / first calligraphy (writing) of the year (read more)
katsuji / 活字 / かつじ / printed characters (i.e. computer font) (read more)
kanji / 漢字 / かんじ / lit. characters of Han China, i.e. Chinese characters (read more)
kigō / 揮毫 / きごう / tow rite calligraphy (commissioned work; lit. to swing the brush)
kihitsu / 起筆 / きひつ / beginning of the brush stroke; first moment when brush tip touches the paper
kinbun / 金文 / きんぶん / bronze inscriptions (read more)
kokeiboku / 固形墨 / こけいぼく / hardened and dried calligraphy ink, in a form of a stick (read more)
koten / 古典 / こてん / classical literature (in calligraphy used for studying rinsho)
kōkotsubun / 甲骨文 / こうこつぶん / oracle bone script (read more)
makimono / 巻物 / まきもの / rolled book in a from of a very long scroll
mane suru / 真似する / まねする / to imitate (mimic) another person's style (negative connotation)
nijimi / 滲み / にじみ / ink soaking ability of the calligraphy paper; also refers to ink blur on paper and its quality
orijō / 折帖 / おりじょう / folding book, often used for writing longer calligraphy works (see: orihon)
orihon / 折り本 / おりほん / folding book (see: orijō)
rakkan / 落款 / らっかん / signature placed on finished calligraphy work
reisho / 隷書 / れいしょ / clerical script, also known as official script (read more)
rinsho / 臨書 / りんしょ / calligraphy studies through copying masterpieces (read more)
ryakuji / 略字 / りゃくじ / simplified Chinese characters, having fewer strokes than traditional characters (see: seiji)
seiji / 正字 / せいじ / traditional Chinese characters, i.e. not simplified (ex. 體 is a seiji of 体)
sen ga amai / 線が甘い / せんがあまい / soft and lacking character brush strokes (negative connotation)
sensei / 先生 / せんせい / calligraphy teacher or calligraphy Master; sensei is often used to address someone with greater knowledge
shinsho / 真書 / しんしょ / lit. true script, i.e. standard script, also known as regular or correct script (read more)
shitajiki / 下敷き / したじき / a piece of felt, placed underneath calligraphy paper during writing
shodō / 書道 / しょどう / translated as "calligraphy", although it really means "a way of writing" (read more)
shohō / 書法 / しょほう / translated as "calligraphy", although it means " principles of writing" (read more)
shofū / 書風 / しょふう / one's personal calligraphy style, developed throughout years of studying
shotai / 書體 / しょたい / calligraphic script (refers to one of the five core scripts of Chinese calligraphy or Japanese kana)
shūhitsu / 終筆 (or 収筆) / しゅうひつ / end of the brush stroke (where the brush is lifted off of the paper surface)
sōhitsu / 送筆 / そうひつ / act of writing a brush stroke, between its beginning and end (see: kihitsu and shūhitsu)
sōsaku / 創作 / そうさく / literary creation on one's own; self inspired original calligraphy work
sōsho / 草書 / そうしょ / cursive script, also known as running script or running hand (read more)
shūji / 習字 / しゅうじ / lit. studying characters, their stroke order (see: kakijun), etc.; often confused with shodō and shohō (read more)
suiteki / 水滴 / すいてき / a small vessel for storing water used for ink grinding on the ink stone
sumi / 墨 / すみ / ink for writing calligraphy (read more)
sumi suriki / 墨磨り機 / すみすりき / machine used for grinding larger amounts of calligraphy ink for writing
sumi tesuri / 墨手磨り / すみてすり / grinding ink by hand on the ink stone, i.e. traditional way of grinding calligraphy ink (read more)
suzuri / 硯 / すずり / calligraphy ink stone (read more); inkstones are also used in sumi-e, i.e. ink painting
tehon / 手本 / てほん / example to follow, written by a calligraphy teacher
tenrankai / 展覧会 / てんらんかい / an exhibition
tensho / 篆書 / てんしょ / seal script (read more)
toishi / 砥石 / といし / soft whetstone, grindstone for cleaning and revitalising the ink stone (see: suzuri)
tokonoma / 床の間 / とこのま / an alcove in a traditional Japanese style room, where calligraphy art or ikebana are displayed
unpitsu / 運筆 / うんぴつ / the way of moving the brush during writing calligraphy
urauchi / 裏打ち / うらうち / backing of calligraphy work (prepping work for framing)
wayōshodō / 和様書道 / わようしょどう / Japanese style in calligraphy (read more)
washi / 和紙 / わし / traditional Japanese hand-made paper (mostly used for Japanese kana calligraphy)
yōmōfude / 羊毛筆 / ようもうふで / a very soft calligraphy brush made of mountain goat hair
zenrin / 全臨 / ぜんりん / to copy an entire masterpiece (see: rinsho)
zenshi / 全紙 / ぜんし / paper for calligraphy studies (used mostly for creating calligraphy art), size c. 70cm x c. 135cm
ategami / 当て紙 / あてがみ / paper cuts used for absorbing any access of ink during of after writing calligraphy.
bokujū / 墨汁 / ぼくじゅう / chemically enhanced ready-made ink fluid (not recommended for serious studies)
bunchin / 文鎮 / ぶんちん / paperweight used for calligraphy studies
chikarazuyoi / 力強い / ちからづよい / powerful (in regards to powerful work or powerful lines / brush strokes)
datsuji / 脱字 / だつじ / an omitted character or word (by mistake during writing)
daiten / 大篆 / だいてん / great seal script (read more)
fūchin / 風鎮 / ふうちん / decorative weight for hanging scrolls, preventing them from being lifted by a draft
fude / 筆 / ふで / calligraphy brush
fudeoki / 筆置き / ふでおき / brush rest used for placing an ink-leaded brush during studies
fude maki / 筆巻き / ふでまき / a bamboo mat for storing calligraphy brushes
fude wo nekasu / 筆を寝かす / ふでをねかす / to put a brush to sleep, i.e. to let the brush rest for a few days to recuperate
gaku / 額 / がく / framed work (as in work that is mounted in a frame)
gyōsho / 行書 / ぎょうしょ / semi-cursive script, also know as walking script (read more)
gyakuhitsu / 逆筆 / ぎゃくひつ / lit. reverse brush, a brush technique used mainly in clerical and seal scripts (read more)
hansetsu / 半切 / はんせつ / paper for calligraphy studies (used mostly for creating calligraphy art), size c. 35c x c. 135cm
hanshi / 半紙 / はんし / paper for calligraphy studies (used mostly for practicing), size c. 25cm x c. 35cm
hanko / 判子 / はんこ / general term for seals used on calligraphy works together with, or instead of a signature
hairin / 背臨 / はいりん / copying a calligraphy masterpiece from memory (hairin is a next step from rinsho)
ichiji, san rai / 一字三礼 / いちじさんらい / phrase reffering to a respectful copying of sutra (lit. one character, three bows)
in / 印 / いん / calligraphy seal (see also: hanko)
indei / 印泥 / いんでい / red ink paste used for pressing calligraphy seals (see: hanko)
itachike (no) fude / 鼬毛筆 / いたちけ(の)ふで / hard and responsive brush made of weasel hair
jōfuku / 条幅 / じょうふく / a type of hanging scroll fitting the size of hansetsu paper (c.35cm x c. 135cm)
kaisho / 楷書 / かいしょ / standard script, also known as regular or correct script (read more)
kakejiku / 掛け軸 / かけじく / hanging scroll with calligraphy, ink painting (see: sumi-e), or both
kakijun / 書き順 / かきじゅん / stroke order of writing Chinese characters (read more)
karayōshodō / 唐様書道 / からようしょどう / Chinese style calligraphy (read more)
kakikata / 書き方 / かきかた / way of writing something (ex. way of writing a given Japanese kanji with calligraphy brush)
kakizome / 書初め / かきぞめ / first calligraphy (writing) of the year (read more)
katsuji / 活字 / かつじ / printed characters (i.e. computer font) (read more)
kanji / 漢字 / かんじ / lit. characters of Han China, i.e. Chinese characters (read more)
kigō / 揮毫 / きごう / tow rite calligraphy (commissioned work; lit. to swing the brush)
kihitsu / 起筆 / きひつ / beginning of the brush stroke; first moment when brush tip touches the paper
kinbun / 金文 / きんぶん / bronze inscriptions (read more)
kokeiboku / 固形墨 / こけいぼく / hardened and dried calligraphy ink, in a form of a stick (read more)
koten / 古典 / こてん / classical literature (in calligraphy used for studying rinsho)
kōkotsubun / 甲骨文 / こうこつぶん / oracle bone script (read more)
makimono / 巻物 / まきもの / rolled book in a from of a very long scroll
mane suru / 真似する / まねする / to imitate (mimic) another person's style (negative connotation)
nijimi / 滲み / にじみ / ink soaking ability of the calligraphy paper; also refers to ink blur on paper and its quality
orijō / 折帖 / おりじょう / folding book, often used for writing longer calligraphy works (see: orihon)
orihon / 折り本 / おりほん / folding book (see: orijō)
rakkan / 落款 / らっかん / signature placed on finished calligraphy work
reisho / 隷書 / れいしょ / clerical script, also known as official script (read more)
rinsho / 臨書 / りんしょ / calligraphy studies through copying masterpieces (read more)
ryakuji / 略字 / りゃくじ / simplified Chinese characters, having fewer strokes than traditional characters (see: seiji)
seiji / 正字 / せいじ / traditional Chinese characters, i.e. not simplified (ex. 體 is a seiji of 体)
sen ga amai / 線が甘い / せんがあまい / soft and lacking character brush strokes (negative connotation)
sensei / 先生 / せんせい / calligraphy teacher or calligraphy Master; sensei is often used to address someone with greater knowledge
shinsho / 真書 / しんしょ / lit. true script, i.e. standard script, also known as regular or correct script (read more)
shitajiki / 下敷き / したじき / a piece of felt, placed underneath calligraphy paper during writing
shodō / 書道 / しょどう / translated as "calligraphy", although it really means "a way of writing" (read more)
shohō / 書法 / しょほう / translated as "calligraphy", although it means " principles of writing" (read more)
shofū / 書風 / しょふう / one's personal calligraphy style, developed throughout years of studying
shotai / 書體 / しょたい / calligraphic script (refers to one of the five core scripts of Chinese calligraphy or Japanese kana)
shūhitsu / 終筆 (or 収筆) / しゅうひつ / end of the brush stroke (where the brush is lifted off of the paper surface)
sōhitsu / 送筆 / そうひつ / act of writing a brush stroke, between its beginning and end (see: kihitsu and shūhitsu)
sōsaku / 創作 / そうさく / literary creation on one's own; self inspired original calligraphy work
sōsho / 草書 / そうしょ / cursive script, also known as running script or running hand (read more)
shūji / 習字 / しゅうじ / lit. studying characters, their stroke order (see: kakijun), etc.; often confused with shodō and shohō (read more)
suiteki / 水滴 / すいてき / a small vessel for storing water used for ink grinding on the ink stone
sumi / 墨 / すみ / ink for writing calligraphy (read more)
sumi suriki / 墨磨り機 / すみすりき / machine used for grinding larger amounts of calligraphy ink for writing
sumi tesuri / 墨手磨り / すみてすり / grinding ink by hand on the ink stone, i.e. traditional way of grinding calligraphy ink (read more)
suzuri / 硯 / すずり / calligraphy ink stone (read more); inkstones are also used in sumi-e, i.e. ink painting
tehon / 手本 / てほん / example to follow, written by a calligraphy teacher
tenrankai / 展覧会 / てんらんかい / an exhibition
tensho / 篆書 / てんしょ / seal script (read more)
toishi / 砥石 / といし / soft whetstone, grindstone for cleaning and revitalising the ink stone (see: suzuri)
tokonoma / 床の間 / とこのま / an alcove in a traditional Japanese style room, where calligraphy art or ikebana are displayed
unpitsu / 運筆 / うんぴつ / the way of moving the brush during writing calligraphy
urauchi / 裏打ち / うらうち / backing of calligraphy work (prepping work for framing)
wayōshodō / 和様書道 / わようしょどう / Japanese style in calligraphy (read more)
washi / 和紙 / わし / traditional Japanese hand-made paper (mostly used for Japanese kana calligraphy)
yōmōfude / 羊毛筆 / ようもうふで / a very soft calligraphy brush made of mountain goat hair
zenrin / 全臨 / ぜんりん / to copy an entire masterpiece (see: rinsho)
zenshi / 全紙 / ぜんし / paper for calligraphy studies (used mostly for creating calligraphy art), size c. 70cm x c. 135cm